Rakvere Haigla labor töötab ööpäevaringselt. Analüüside vastuvõtmine toimub pidevalt, kuid töövälisel ajal (kell 16:00 kuni 8:00 ja puhkepäevadel) teostatakse vaid CITO! – uuringuid.
Labor asukohaga Tuleviku 1 on avatud tööpäevadel 8:00 kuni 14:45 (vaheaeg 12:40 kuni 13:00).
Uuritavad materjalid peavad laborisse saabuma koos saatekirjaga, millele on märgitud patsiendi identifitseerimiseks vajalikud andmed (nimi ja isikukood või anonüümse patsiendi tähis), vanus, asukoht (osakond, palat) või ambulatoorne üksus, soovitud analüüsid, suunava arsti nimi, analüüside võtmise kuupäev ja kellaaeg.
Tulemused väljatatakse uuringu suunanud arstile.
Analüüside võtmiseks vajalikke tarvikuid saab laborist tellida telefoni teel või kirjalikult (tellides autojuhilt).
Uuritavad materjalid kuuluvad säilitamisele vastavalt konkreetse materjali säilitustingimustele. Peale uuringu teostamist säilitame proove 5 päeva.
Kvaliteetse töö kindlustamiseks toimub personali pidev koolitus töökohal ja osavõtt muudest täiendõppe üritustest.
Laboris toimub rutiinne sisemine kontroll ja regulaarne väline kontroll. Sisemist kontrolli on läbi viidud aastaid ning aasta möödudes arvestatakse välja analüüside variatsioonikoefitsiendid, mis on saadud teadaoleva väärtusega kontrollmaterjali korduva analüüsimise tulemusena.
Labor on akrediteeritud ning hindamisvisiidi käigus võib assessoritel tekkida vajadus tutvuda patsiendi analüüside tulemustega.
As a laboratory of a county hospital our lab has to fulfill several demands and conditions. We have quite a wide range of analyses. We need possibilities to do STAT (CITO!) analyses and at the same time we must have apparatus for routine work. Our laboratory is open 24 hours a day all year round. The staff must have instructions where and when to send away the materials that we can’t analyze (to the laboratories in Tallinn and Tartu). We need constantly available technical aid and maintenance.
We try to work so, that our clients could trust the results that they get from our laboratory. For being accepted we need high quality of our everyday work.
The points we think to be most important are:
- Automation of working processes to minimize the possibility of human errors (by now we have fully automated processes in clinical chemistry, in hematology and in immunology – hormones and tumor markers, but also semiautomated processes in immunohematology and coagulation)
- Using internationally accepted methods and reagents only from companies that have quality certificates – it is very important as so far we have some methods that can not be automated (blood smears, microbiological analyses)
- Additional educating of laboratory staff (in educational centers – Tartu, Tallinn – but also by having our own all year round program with local and out of house lecturers)
- The staff must have understandable and as concrete and simple instructions as possible (for handling instruments, for analytical work, for laboratory hygiene, for quality control system etc.)
- Constant internal control (stable control materials, x-charts)
- Taking part in external quality control (international system of Labquality in Finland)
- Staying in contact with our clients (briefings every morning in our hospital, questionnaires and telephone calls to general practitioners)
- Clear and current information for our customers about taking, handling and transporting of samples (printed laboratory notebook in 1998 and updated versions every 5 years).
In conclusion we find that it is challenging to stay at the stable level. It is most critical to avoid relapses as we need to be protected from apparatus breakdown, from technical problems connected with electricity, from staff leaving, from hospital’s financial problems etc.